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HomeArchitectureBurbank Group of Student Journalists Steps Up

Burbank Group of Student Journalists Steps Up


Based on admissions and financial aid, a Burbank group of student journalists is taking charge. They represent the voice of the most desirable applicants who are eager to know the financial aid which they may receive from diverse college campuses.

Their Vision and Discoveries

In the presence of this growing economy, this Burbank group of student journalists feels motivated to help other students. And, their goal is to further attract top-notch students. Are you wondering how you can benefit from the financial aid available in different campuses? The first criterion to qualify is this – you must graduate in the top 10 percent of your high school class and meet certain SAT requirements.

Some institutions are fast adopting this policy to appeal to students. This Burbank group of student journalists found out that Sewanee, Tennessee reduced its annual expenses by 10 percent. Also, many Ivy League universities now intend to provide more students with grants. The student journalists also learned that Albright College includes financial aid awards in their admission letters. And the State of Georgia provides full scholarships for public colleges to the residents with A and B averages.

The journalists discovered that Seton Hall, New Jersey does not consider payment ability as a criterion for accepting or rejecting students. However, it offers merit aids. Their investigations revealed that the merit aid award had replaced the twentieth-century focus on financial aid for the needy. They also figured out that many schools, including elite institutions in the United States, now award financial aid for both financial need and best students.

Meta Key Words: burbank, student journalists, Seton Hall, students,  journalists

About the Author’s Organization

Thanks to the Burbank group of student journalists, college applicants are better informed about financial aid. They provide financial support information to students and have always sought ways to relieve their financial stress. These student journalists help to put families in the know about the outcomes of whatever financial aid they could possibly obtain. For the Burbank group, it’s vital that students do not have to wait in suspense. And they continually echo the fact that many colleges and universities that provide financial aids, target exceptional applicants.


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