The Great
CityNation Advertising & Marketing Campaign
for your Business


Herbert's Hardware
How I was able to
Grow My Business
How 2 Old Men
Teamed Up
How I Retired
with a Steady Income

How I Retired with a Good Steady Income

Hello. This is Dorothy Batner. I had my small Nick-Knack and Accessories store for 22 years now.

I really want to retire. But, I would like to have a good steady income while being retired.

If I sold my business, I would not get much money. It’s just a Nick-Knack store. So, I was kind of stuck, and couldn’t retire.

One day, a nice gentleman came in the store and was looking for a certain kind of Nick-Knack. He kept looking all over the store.

So, I went over to him and asked, “What are you looking for?” He said that he just won an award and is looking for something to hold it.

I asked, “What was the award for?”

Then he began to tell me all about it. He worked for a company called CityNation and he sold advertising to businesses. CityNation-Advertising, FREE Trained Sales Teams for your business

He began to tell me how most of the businesses began to expand right after the advertising and the free sales teams started to kick in.

Then he started to tell me about a Hobby Shop owner who wanted to retire and still receive money from his Hobby Shop business.

That’s when I said, “Hold it. Stop right there. If you don’t mind, lets sit over there and tell me more about this Hobby Shop owner.” As we sat down, he told me his name, Arnold.

Arnold told me how he set up the Hobby Shop to get 2 Sales Teams, A Local Sales Team and a Regional Sales Team. The most important was the Regional Sales Team because he could get new customers from a larger area around his business.

I didn’t want to go into a nation-wide Sales Team, because that would be too much for me to handle. I was just an old lady with a Nick-Knack store. And, I wanted to retire.

Arnold told me that he can do his pert and get more customers for me, but I should also do my part and provide super-good customer service – because that’s what is needed to get customers to always come back. CityNation did some research on the subject and gave me a very professional looking Report.

I used a lot of the information I found in that Report. And, my customer service began to improve.

I purchased the “12-Months Advertising & Marketing Campaign Package.” I paid $150 each month, which I could barely afford. But fortunately, when my Sales Reps began selling, CityNation began sending me a good commission from the sales of the CityNation Advertising Service.

CityNation gave me a special deal on the commissions they send me, which I can’t talk about. The result was, I received more commission money from CityNation - then the $150 a month that I had to pay CityNation for my advertising.

Arnold set me up with the free Sales Teams. CityNation gave me the Starter Kit and Arnold helped me on how to use all the stuff.

I got a custom designed Help Wanted Flyer to pass out, a website to help sign up applicants, and a pretty good Job Description so I didn’t have to explain much.

I myself was trained by CityNation. I received all the instructions I needed. And, I could call them up any time for help, which I did a lot of in the beginning.

So here is what happened. At first, I got 6 part-time Sales Reps. They all worked hard. I assigned 2 Sales Reps to CityNation-Advertising, FREE Trained Sales Teams for your businessmy Local Sales Team and 4 Sales Reps to my Regional Sales Team. Later I got 2 more Sales Reps for a Nation-Wide Sales Team. But, they stayed home and used their computer.

They promoted my Nick Necks all over the country, and even in Canada and London. They did the promoting and sales using Facebook and Etsy. They sold a lot of my Nick Knacks. They both worked on commission only. In fact, all of my Sales Reps worked on commission only.

In a few months, I could see that I was going to be able to retire with a good monthly income. My Sales Reps were very trustworthy. So what I did was, I made an agreement with Lucas for him to manage my store and he would send me my monthly income.

My Nick Knack store is still running and I am still getting my monthly income. All the Sales Reps stayed on and continued. All of them are making more money than when I was these, most of their money comes from their CityNation advertising sales.

I am now retired and live in Orlando, Florida. And, I receive my monthly check always on time, which is enough money to enable me to keep my savings and even grow my savings.

So, everything turned out, just what I hoped for. Thanks to CityNation-Advertising.

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